The Da vinci code is a hot topic for people around the world to disscuss ( including me
). I recommend you guys to read this fiction before watching it.
For more information, go to
And this site is an interesting forum including paintings, research, opinions from lots of people ( you can read many other topics besides "handknife".
Well, I am studying to take MFA degree in this school ( by the way, I reply you in English, just because you asked me in E., I prefer Vietnamese :) ).
Yeah! The Da vinci is very hot at the moment, they 're taliking abt it to find their answers in a mysterious world :)
By the way what are you studying at Academy of Arts?
Yeah! Cai truong ban dang hoc minh cung biet so so qua may lan luot web, roi cung mail hoi xin thong tin o do duoc kha kha, roi 1 lan bi mat password dia chi mail yahoo the la di tieu tan luon. Hinh nhu do la truong kha lau nam va noi tieng o San Francisco. Vay la ban hoc o do cung lay roi nhi? ma ban dang hoc ve thiet ke Quang Cao' hay la Fine Arts vay? Hy vong biet nhieu thogn tin tu ban. :)
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